Dr. Farbod Esmailian is a double board certified plastic surgeon who offers these breast enhancement devices to women in Orange County and its surrounding communities. He also offers the traditional silicone gel, saline implants, and the Ideal implants.

Reasons People in Orange County Choose Gummy Bear Implants

Form-stable cohesive gel implants remain a very popular choice for women in Orange County who want an augmentation because these implants provide natural-looking results with decreased rippling.

Before & After Breast Augmentation

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Form-Stable Cohesive Gel Implants are Available in Orange County

The reason that gummy bear implants maintain their shape is because they are not filled with liquid, they consist of a semi-solid gel that is encased by an outer shell. The consistency of the form-stable cohesive gel implants led to their alternate name ‘gummy bear’ breast implants. Consider that when a piece of gummy bear candy is cut in half, it maintains its shape: This is true for a form-stable cohesive gel implant as well. Dr. Esmailian performs augmentations with these implants for women residing in Orange County.

Silicone and Saline Implants are Also Available in Orange County

Dr. Esmailian has provided women with beautifully contoured, voluptuous breasts using traditional saline and silicone gel implants for years. Although these traditional enhancement devices are still used frequently, the newest generation of silicone implants offers women another implant option. The gummy bear implant provides its recipient the security of knowing that should a rupture occur; her implant will maintain its shape.

Gummy Bear Vs. Traditional Saline Vs. Traditional Silicone Gel - What is the difference?

Gummy Bear Breast Enhancement Devices

Many women choose form-stable cohesive gel implants for their consistency. Unlike traditional silicone gel and saline implants, a ruptured or punctured gummy bear implant will not affect the way a woman’s breast looks. Therefore, in the event of a rupture or puncture, immediate replacement is not necessary.

Traditional Saline Implants

Saline implants consist of silicone shells filled with sterile salt water (saline). If a saline implant ruptures, the salt water leaks out quickly and although the saline will not harm the body, the size of the breast will decrease. For this reason, immediate replacement is typically required.

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Traditional Silicone Gel Implants

Silicone gel breast enhancement devices consist of silicone gel encased within a silicone shell. Should a traditional silicone gel implant rupture, the gel will remain within the shell as it does with the gummy bear implant. The major difference between the cohesive (traditional) silicone implants and the gummy bear implant is the firmness of the implants. The gummy bear, since it has more cross linking, tends to be a bit more firm than the traditional silicone implants.

Unlike a saline implant, a traditional silicone gel device, similar to the gummy bear device does not need to be replaced in a timely fashion.

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Form-stable Cohesive Gel Implants The Benefits Gummy Bear Implants Offer Recipients Numerous Benefits, Including:

  • An increased shell life.
  • Due to its shape, form-stable cohesive gel implants provide the patient with breasts that look more natural with less upper pole fill.
  • Concerns related to rippling and capsular contracture are decreased.
  • Stretching of the soft tissue is reduced when form-stable cohesive gel implant devices are used instead of the traditional implants.

The Federal Drug Administration (Fda) Approves the Use of Breast Enhancement Devices In Orange County

As always, Dr. Farbod Esmailian and his medical staff consider patient safety extremely important. Therefore, all of the breast enhancement devices that Dr. Esmailian provides his patients are approved for use by the FDA.

Form-stable cohesive gel implants and traditional silicone implants are approved for enhancement in women who are 22 years and above. Traditional saline breast implants are approved for women of all ages.

Why Do Women Choose to Have a Breast Augmentation?

Women residing in the Orange County area decide to have an Augmentation to

  • Increase their self-esteem by boosting their self-confidence.
  • Address uneven breasts (shape and/or size).
  • Restore lost volume resulting from pregnancy, nursing, and/or substantial weight loss.
  • Correct congenital deformities.
  • Make the proportions of their breasts coincide with the rest of their body.
  • Reconstruct the breasts after an injury or mastectomy (referred to as breast reconstruction surgery).
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Dr. Esmailian
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Your Initial Consultation with Dr. Esmailian In Orange County

To undergo an augmentation with gummy bear implants, you must be close to your recommended body weight and in good health.

Dr. Esmailian will ask you questions about your current and past medical problems. Questions asked will include your current health status and medications. Every question asked during your initial consultation is designed to ensure your safety and to provide you with the best results possible. Therefore, you need to be forthright with your answers. This is especially true in relation to conditions that could inhibit your body’s ability to heal itself (i.e., diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease).

Preparing for Your Augmentation In Orange County

If Dr. Esmailian determines that you are a good candidate for an augmentation (with gummy bear, traditional silicone, or traditional saline implants), you need to begin preparing for your upcoming procedure. It is likely that he will want you to visit your general practitioner to have a physical. Usually, Dr. Esmailian wants his augmentation patients to have some pre-surgical testing completed as well (i.e., blood tests, a mammogram, etc.).

Prior to your augmentation, complete all of your household tasks and run any errands. Women who have small children and/or pets need to find someone to care for them as they recover from their augmentation in Orange County.

Many of Dr. Esmailian’s patients create themselves a recovery area that is designed to keep everything they need within easy reach. Some of the items frequently placed in this area include Kleenex, the telephone, remote controls, a garbage can, snacks, medications, and drinks.

Furthermore, you will not be permitted to raise your arms above your head following your augmentation; therefore, make sure you have tops that do not require being lifted over your head readily available.

Take a few moments to look over your post-surgical information. This information is designed to help make your recovery as comfortable as possible. By having everything you need on hand when you return home following your augmentation in Orange County, you can rest and allow your body to begin the healing process.

Since you will receive anesthesia, you need to ask someone to drive you to and from your procedure. Also, Dr. Esmailian requests that his augmentation patients have someone remain with them for at least the night following their surgery.

A Breast Augmentation With Gummy Bear Breast Implants in Orange County

At Dr. Esmailian’s office in Orange County, an augmentation with gummy bear implants is an outpatient procedure.

Gummy Bear Breast Implants – Anesthesia

Patients do receive general anesthesia during an augmentation with gummy bear breast implants. Dr. Esmailian’s board certified anesthesiologist sedates the patient directly before the augmentation in Orange County begins.

Breast Augmentation With Gummy Bear Implants In Orange County – The Procedure

  • Once the patient is asleep, Dr. Esmailian begins the augmentation by making an incision beneath the breast. Incision location is discussed with the patient prior to the breast augmentation procedure with form-stable cohesive gel implants. An incision is created in the crease located just beneath the breast. This incision will leave a thin, 4-6 cm scar that can easily be concealed within this crease.
  • The pocket Dr. Esmailian creates will be form fitting for the implant he is placing. This allows the gummy bear implant to not move around.
  • Dr. Esmailian uses the Keller Funnel to insert the form-stable cohesive gel implants. This technique minimizes the friction and strain between the incision and the gummy bear implants.
  • Once Dr. Esmailian places the gummy bear breast implants, he closes the breast tissue that leads to the pocket as well as the outer incision in the crease beneath the breast.
  • Dr. Esmailian uses precise techniques to lessen scarring. Once the incision is closed, the augmentation is complete.
  • Directly following a gummy bear breast implant procedure, patients may receive a sports bra or supportive surgical garment to wear for a certain length of time.
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Recovery: What to Expect Following a Gummy Bear Breast Augmentation In Orange County

Patients should be able to get up and walk around a few hours after their augmentation with gummy bear breast implants in Orange County. The majority of patients are up to leaving their house within a couple of days. Patients should expect to feel sore during the first 3-5 days. Strenuous exercise needs to be limited for somewhere between 2- to 4-weeks. Dr. Farbod Esmailian is a double board certified plastic surgeon in Orange County. If you are interested in an augmentation with gummy bear implants, contact the office today. Please click here to use the online contact form.

Page updated: May 18, 2024

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